In this week's lecture, we focused on space exploration and how our endeavors has inspired works of fiction and various art. Contemporary space-age development really started after WW2 during the Cold War. When the Spudnik satellite was hurled into orbit by the Russians in 1957, the famous "space race" was kicked off between the US and the Soviet Union. NASA was even created in effort to invest more research in a competing military space program, along with more funding towards scientific education (uconlineprogram). This tense competition resulted in a stream of scientific achievements, leading up to placing a man on the moon in 1969. (NASA) Neil Armstrong during the moonwalk, working at an equipment storage area ( NASA ) From the 50s on during this time, many science-fiction TV shows were released that influence pop culture on space, such as Planet Stories , Jetsons , and Star Trek (uconlineprogram). The creators of these shows popularized scientific concepts suc...